Cultural heritage can be explained to mean a natural facet that is kept by each mortal man. Every ethnicity has a diverse perception of incidents taking place on the planet. As an innate trait, culture embraces likes and dislikes, customs, talents, and beliefs. Culture performs a vital function in joining and regarding varieties of different human beings. In addition, culture brings societies together, making them be able to counter the imminent. This is because customs have the effect of making persons aware of the changing environment. It makes them have a change in the way they perceive issues, thus making them embrace other people without any concern where they come from. Culture makes mortals come into understanding of past and hence look into the imminence with audacity (Papadopoulos, Tilki, Lees, 2004).
The most vital tool in nursing is heritage assessment. It aids health professionals to amass info about various cultures and nationalities. Practitioners thus acquire competence that drives them to efficient working. Heritage assessment tool has also been in use by practitioners of health to examine a certain population or ethnic group. The tool aids health practitioners in understanding ethnicity of a certain population or client, thus, the health beliefs of persons in question. In a time of assessment, the practitioner asks the client plenty of questions concerning his or her culture. Whenever the client answers the questions well with reference to his or her culture, it provides foundation for understanding of health issues, family history, and his or her beliefs (Hankivsky et al., 2010). This background information is extra helpful in tackling the problems of health that a certain client is facing. Positive and easy answering the questions that a health practitioner asks a client means that the person answering easily identifies his or her culture. Understanding and interpretation of traditional heritage becomes easy. Comprehension of cultural and traditional knowledge aids people to know about health restoration, protection, and maintenance. Understanding of traditional and cultural knowledge helps practitioners of health to comprehend health maintenance, restoration, and protection. These are three main parts of personal promotion of health. Health promotion is rooted in the practices of health, as well as beliefs that people have. In the diverse cultures, spiritual, intellectual, and carnal well-being of people is perceived different and varying importance is usually attached. There are cultures that perceive health as a balance in the family, community, natural forces, spirit, and form (Davidhizar, Newman, & Hannenpluf, 2006).
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Heritage assessment instrument assists medical practitioners to comprehend how the community perceives health. The reason is that various people from diverse communities have very different definitions of health as they have different heritage. They also behave in different manner since their beliefs and health practices are never alike. The varying backgrounds in their heritage make them cling on to what they found their predecessors holding. In order to restore, maintain, and protect health, it is vital for health practitioners to have good understanding of the clients’ cultural heritage, as well as health-related resources. (Papadopoulos et al., 2004). In this way, health issues are handled well with zero interference of what the client already has in thoughts.
Two of the families that were assessed showed tight connections with their traditional beliefs. Only person from Chinese-American family showed less connection with traditions and traditional heritage. Both the Ukrainian-Jewish and Mexican-American people showed deep connections with their traditions and traditional beliefs. Therefore, in administering treatment, health maintenance, health protection, and health restoration in the Ukrainian-Jewish and Mexican-American families, the health care provider will have to take traditional beliefs into consideration concerning health in the traditions of those families. When dealing with Chinese-American person, little consideration on the traditional beliefs is necessary. There are less links with traditions in that an individual shows that there is little or no belief concerning health issues in that individual.
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According to the Ukrainian-Jewish person, an ailment comes at times with cultural causes. Although there is a need to consult medical doctors, most people do not trust the drugs administered in hospitals. People believe that modern standard medicines cannot cure sicknesses, resulting from culture-related issues. Hence, they seek help of cultural healers. Such healers carry out various rituals in order to mediate healing for their patients from a deity. The Ukrainian-Jewish families seek help from folk healers, who work independently, carrying out rituals and prayers to effect healing on the patients. They also at times seek help of other healers, who work in groups, giving solution to hysteria at a charge. Folk healers let their patients decide how much to pay. Ukrainian-Jewish families also believe that ritual meals and diets come along with healing powers.
In that case, maintaining, protecting, and restoring health in the Ukrainian-Jewish family, the medical practitioner must have these cultural believes in mind. The medical practitioner should avoid any incident in the treatment administration process, which will contradict these beliefs. A medical practitioner ought not to restrict a patient from eating ritual diets as long as the diets do not pose any threat to the patient’s health. The contradiction of such beliefs leads to the loss of trust in the treatment of the practitioner, rendering the patient confused and helpless.
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Mexican-Americans believe that diseases may have either natural or supernatural causes. Diseases associated with natural causes, according to Mexican-Americans, result from the imbalance of four bodily humors: blood, black bile, phlegm, and yellow bile. If these four humors are unbalanced, then a hot or cold disease occurs. According to them, the proper treatment of these diseases is the intake of the opposite to what one is suffering from. If one has a hot disease, then he or she should have a considerable intake of cold foods or medicine. Medical practitioners ought to understand this belief since if they administer treatment that is contradictory to this belief, the patients will not comply with the treatment.