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In order to write high quality common app essay, please follow the recommendations provided below:
1. Stay Brief
Regardless of the fact that common app essays have no upper limit (with the lower limit of 250 words), it is not recommended to submit too long papers. Though, the reason is not only the size. The thing is that the committee members have to read dozens of papers and the more time each of them takes, the less patience they have for reading it.
2. Say the Truth
If you do not know how to write a common app essay, do not try to invent a bicycle, just be honest and write truthful information. Remember that there is no place for fantasy in a process of such kind of papers writing. Do not exaggerate your achievements and titles.
3. Remain Yourself
In the process of your application writing, try to impress the committee members by being yourself. Many students ask themselves: “How can I show my advantage over hundreds of other students who apply for the same college or university?” The answer is: “You cannot”! And the reason is that you cannot state that you are better than someone whom you do not know. The best way out of such situation is to remain yourself and show that you areexactly the person they need!
4. Be Cohesive
One of the common app essay prompts foresees that you always remain cohesive. Considering the fact that your paper may contain series of information regarding your activities, do not forget that you write one paper but not three or four of them. Combine all the data into a logical narration to make it comprehensible for a reader.
5. Follow the Writing Rules
It means that you have to consider different writing mechanisms and techniques in addition to simple spell checks. Pay your attention to grammar, punctuation, structure, as well as to correctness of proper names usage. It is better to check your writing twice than fail because of a couple of missing commas.
6. Make You Writing Interesting
To make you essay interesting, tell a story. Regardless of the fact that you should treat the matter with seriousness, you are not required to write about some complicated scientific phenomena. For example, you can write about an event from your life, using other characters, such as the members of your family, friends, etc. It will make your story more humane and definitely attract attention of the committee members. Moreover, it will show that you are really interested in the work you are doing.
7. Make People Like You
Every educational establishment is a community. As a result, common app essay questions will help you outline why you deserve to become a part of it. If you can answer such questions, you will be able to better support your point in your application.
8. Mind You Sense of Humor
While writing the common application essay, it is recommended to be extremely cautious with humor. Too many jokes used in the paper can be considered by the readers not as a representation of your intelligence or ingenuity but rather as a bad tone.
9. Try to Be Controversial
It may sound a little weird, but if properly utilized, such strategy can help you reach a set goal. Though, it does not mean that you have to contradict everything you say and confuse the readers. On the contrary, it means to support your own point of view but still not to state that you know everything best. If you agree that there are different points regarding this or that question, and that they can be considered from different perspectives, you will only prove the diversity of your mind.
10. Show Your Intelligence
Considering the fact that colleges are intellectual places, it will be useful to show that sports, movies, hiking or swimming are not the only things you are interested in. Do not be shy to show that you are smart and it will help you gain additional points.
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With the common app essay help provided above, you will be able to write an essay that will attract attention of the admission committee members and reach the desired result.
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