Humanity Is the Only Way of Avoiding Collapse: “Rappaccini’s Daughter” and “Speech Sounds”
Human conscious seems to have no limits that allow people's perfecting their innate abilities and open new horizons. At first sight, there is no trick in such human seeming omnipotence, but it has the reverse side overshadowing the optimism of people...
Denmark and the United States
Even in terms of the general globalization and international approaches to the organization and running business, the business culture, principles of leadership, and management may differ in various countries. The above-mentioned spheres are influenc...
Comparison Book Review
Overview History is a domain that seeks to record past events for future references and to provide valuable lessons. The same concerns the texts being under comparative review the present paper. They are Schultz’s History, the third edition and The...
Buddhism versus Hinduism
Despite being rooted in the fundamental underlying principle of reincarnation, the Eastern religions still exhibit significant peculiarities. The differences occur due to their conceptualization of and beliefs about God, their worshipping practices, ...
Networks of Power
Formal and informal networks of power always tightly interrelate with each other. Their interrelations may be different since formal and informal networks either support or oppose each other. They have almost similar purposes and targets, although th...
Free Market Philosophy
There are two types of free market philosophies, which are the Laissez-faire philosophy and regulated-market philosophy. Both of these philosophies assume perfect competition to be an ideal. Nevertheless, they both discord in the question of how to e...
Mathematics Textbook Evaluation
Nowadays, textbooks serve as tutor, tool and guide in the modern classrooms. Teachers worldwide use them to guide their instructions in class. Therefore, the textbooks enormously influence the content delivery. The standard-based change progress in e...
A Teacher and a Nurse
I always admired my teachers and thought that when I grow up I would become one. Teachers make the best decisions when caring about and educating students. They work hard to ensure future generations be productive citizens. However, I am now pursuing...