
Human Resource Management

Free «Human Resource Management» Essay Sample

Activity A

(Core Area 1) Insights, Strategy and Solutions

A successful professional of HR develops realistic executable insights and solutions, prioritized and customized around a deep business, organizational and contextual understanding. HR professionals work with a deep understanding of business, context and organization, in order to develop executable insights and priorities in the strategies of HR professionals that differentiate the organization at a given time (Gardener, 2012). HR professional develops solutions that are insight-led, prioritized and customized around good understanding of the organization, the business and context by identifying the opportunities and risks and strategically acting on them.

Understanding the business would entail developing a well stipulated vision and strategy for the organization, having a concise profile of the customers, products or services that the organization offers and, finally, having precise information of the financial and non-financial performance. The contextual understanding means that the sector of the organization is operating in and the regulations involved are in line with the organization’s strategy and vision. The organization should align its vision and strategy to the politics, social, environmental and technological issues surrounding it. The organization understanding means that the structure, the processes and governance is in such a manner that it helps the organization to implement its strategy and achieve its vision effectively. It also means that the culture, behaviors and values of the organization’s workforce enhance their performance and build good reputation with the stakeholders that the organization is engaged with. This helps to set the quality and brand image (Gardener, 2012). Organizational understanding entails acknowledging the decision making processes of the organization and how the organization builds key relationship with its strategic stakeholders.

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Understanding the above contexts, together with the end results insights, allows the HR professionals to create situational and prioritized strategies of the HR that differentiate the organization as much as possible to give it an edge in the market, thus building a case of compelling for change. Some of the issues addressed include: developing insights and spotting of opportunities, turning insights into solutions and strategies and, finally, delivering and embedding solutions into the organization’s actions.

(Core Area 2) Leading HR

A successful HR professional provides insight-led, pro-active leadership and acknowledges owning, shaping and directing themselves, other employees and organization’s activities to see that it achieves its strategies and vision. HR professionals do not just observe or facilitate action, but shape and direct organizational activities. They mainly develop three leadership areas, namely, personal leadership, leadership of the workforce and leading issues (Gardener, 2012). This involves the HR professionals, identifying what they need to lead themselves into the organization, alongside others and directing the issues of the organization for them to contributes to the sustainable development and performance of the organization. The HR is actively involved in designing the function and service delivery of the organization, in order to deliver value and performance in the HR team of professionals and the rest of the workforce. This helps the HR to also manage the budgets and finances of the organization, in order to ensure that it effectively achieves its vision and properly implement its strategies.

(Core Area 3) Organization Design

HR professional is supposed to ensure that the organization is customized in a manner to effectively deliver its objectives, both in short-term and long-term. HR professionals ensure that the organization manages its change of structure effectively, in order to remain relevant and adopt the ever-changing scenario of operations and markets (Gardener, 2012). They mainly assess the current need and model of operating and design, as well as implement and review it over time.

(Core Area 4) Organization Development

The organization’s development entails ensuring that the organization has a commitment for the workforce of “fit for the future”, required to achieve its future ambitions. It plays a critical role in the values, culture and environment of the organization that supports and enhances its performance, as well as its adaptability. Organization’s development provides insight and leadership on the execution and development on capability change of activities and culture of the organization. It entails defining the strategy of the organization, assessing the capabilities of the organization, building interventions of the OD and managing change.


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(Core Area 5) Resourcing and Talent Planning

HR professional should help an organization identify and attract key individuals who have the capability to create a competitive edge for the organization. The HR professional should also be able to identify a workforce that will actively manage and appropriate balances of resources, in order to meet the ever changing needs, fulfill both the long and short-term ambitions of the organization’s strategy (Gardener, 2012). The HR develops and delivers acquisition of talent, and talent management strategy and plans. They also assess and select the talents, as well as induce and exit the talents.

(Core Area 6) Learning Development

This is a diverse area in HR professional, thus it has diverse responsibilities and capabilities. It includes spotting, developing and managing talent, ensuring that the workforce and the organization have the appropriate capabilities for their success and that of the organization (Gardener, 2012). This should be done in accordance to the objectives of the organization, career management and guidelines. It entails developing learning solutions with a variety of stakeholders. For effective learning and development, the professional map is most relevant tool to help the HR professional thorough the process. The area for the HR professional to focus on is the Insight, strategy and solutions, leading HR, organization development, behaviors and learning and development. The core areas of profession set out the capabilities needed to focus on learning development activities on the right thing and at the right time. Through this, the HR professional help the organization to develop skills, knowledge and experience to fulfill the short and long-term ambitions of the organization strategy. It also ensures that the workforce is motivated to learn, perform and grow (Gardener, 2012).

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(Core 7) Performance and Reward

The HR professional in this area is involved in building a culture of high-performance by designing and delivering programs that recognize and reward vital skills, experiences, capabilities and outstanding performance.

(Core Area 8) Employee Engagement

HR professionals in this area are involved in ensuring that the employment experience aspects, which include the connection employee have with the work, the relationship between the employees and the organization are positive and well understood. HR professional should ensure that the aspects of employment experience and deliver greater effort of discretion in their work and the manner in which they relate with the organization (Gardener, 2012).

(Core Area 9) Employee Relations

The HR professional in this area sees the relationship between the employees and the organization is appropriately managed within a transparent and clear framework, according to the policies and practices of the organization, as entrenched in the employment law. The HR professional is involved in developing the strategy, practices and policies of the employee relations, conflict management, collective consultation, negotiation and culture of performance.

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Service Delivery and Information

The HR Professional should ensure that the information is getting to the leaders, management and staff is accurate, efficient, timely and cost effective and that it is professionally managed. The HR professional should establish the requirements of customers, approach of service. Build the culture of customer service and measure its effectiveness (Gardener, 2012).

The Behaviors

Behaviors describe the details of how HR professional needs to execute his/her activities. These behaviors include: curious, decisive thinking, skilled influence, personal credibility, collaboration, drive to deliver, courage to challenge, and role model.

The Bands

The bands define the contributions that the HR professionals make at every stage of the HR career in the following areas:

  1. The relationship the HR professionals have with their clients;
  2. The activity focus that the HR professional performs;
  3. Areas where the HR professionals spend their time;
  4. The kind of service the HR professionals provide to their clients;
  5. The manner in which their success and contribution is measured.

Under the employee relations, the management of relationship between the employees and the organization is one of the vital skills required. The HR professional should have knowledge on employment, civil right and labor law, the policies, practices and procedures of the area of assignment, methods of training, practice and procedure, and more. The skills are the most important in this utilization of communication in presentations, and responses to enquiries and complaints in order to identify, diffuse and mediate difference and develop consensus.

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Activity B

The following is necessary to ensure that the HR professional provides timely and effective services.

  1. The HR professional should develop transparent and efficient end to end process and automate it with the latest cost-effective technologies, in order to integrate complete workflows of processes and upload the respective results into digital files of personnel.
  2. The HR professional can establish service level agreements as a promise that it is delivering high quality services to the clients. By fulfilling the agreement, the HR professional will prove it is fulfilling its promise.
  3. The HR professional should develop metrics to assess his/her business value and efficiency with the clients.

Methods of Communication

HR has three main communication methods namely, internet, face-to-face and listservs.

Method of Communication




One-stop-shop for all pertinent;

Easy access to updates;

Has message boards to discuss and share ideas;

Provide virtual networking channels.

Prone to hacking;

Addiction to the internet by staff;

Likelihood of time wastage on the internet.


Capture body language which is louder than words;

Effective in building relationships;

Allow for personalized service delivery of the HR professionals, compared to other methods of communication;

Effective for confidential information.

Difficult to practice in large sized organizations;

Unsuitable for large audience;

Limited accountability;

Poor retention by listeners;

Low reference and legal value.



Easy to create;

Communication is directed to targeted persons;

It is egalitarian.

Easy to destroy;

Can get out of hand quickly;

In case of many list,

there is a possibility of redundant  messages.

HR as Customer Service Delivery Agent

Most clients look for a HR service outsourcer who save on costs, enhance profitability and lower risks. Thus, a HR professional should strive toward building a brand in order to attract top talents and subsequently prime clients. Once a HR has the necessary workforce, he/she should seek to understand the needs of clients and identify the best way to provide solutions to the challenges he or she is facing. HR department should then focus on delivering quality services to clients to ensure they are satisfied and get improved workforce management.

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